Varicose Veins
Minimally invasive varicose vein treatment in Chicago and Indiana
Dr. Golewale is highly experienced in advanced varicose vein treatment techniques. The procedures we perform will both relieve pain and improve the appearance of your legs. We offer the convenience of three outpatient locations for your treatment, which can include:
Radiofrequency Ablation. A minimally invasive approach that uses radiofrequency (RF) energy to close the diseased vein, which will shrink and disappear over time. The body naturally re-routes blood through other, healthy veins. This minimally invasive procedure is performed at our outpatient centers with a very low risk of complications. You can resume most normal activities immediately after treatment.
VenaSeal.™ This state-of-the-art treatment for varicose veins uses a special adhesive to close the diseased vein, which will shrink and disappear. VenaSeal protects against possible nerve injury or skin burns, which is a possible small risk associated with thermal-based procedures. As with radiofrequency ablation, you can resume most normal activities immediately after treatment.