Uterine Fibroids
Non-Surgical Alternative for Uterine Fibroids Treatment
It’s relatively common for a woman to have uterine fibroids at some point in her life. In most cases, though, these benign tumors don’t cause any pain or other symptoms, and are often only discovered during a routine pelvic examination. Uterine fibroids vary greatly in size and shape, from less than an inch to more than six inches in diameter, and can appear throughout the uterus, on its wall, or on its surface.

In some cases, though, fibroids cause women to experience heavy bleeding and pain during periods, bleeding between periods, pain during intercourse, pressure or pain in the abdomen, between hip bones or behind the legs, or an enlarged uterus. Constipation and bloating are also common symptoms.
Most often, they appear in women between 30 and 40 years of age, and more frequently in African-American women as well. Family history, birth control use, and alcohol and red meat consumption are also risk factors in the development of fibroids.
Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE) is an outpatient-based, minimally invasive procedure to shrink the damaging issue and alleviate symptoms. A Uterine Fibroid Embolization is an alternative to a hysterectomy.