Monthly Archives: December

Interventional Radiologist Meets Patients Where They Are

ER visits, readmissions decline with novel house call model When interventional radiologist Nazar Golewale, MD, opened his own practice after almost eight years of working in a hospital system, he discovered a lot of undertreated and underserved patients who couldn’t reach the hospital. Many had numerous chronic conditions and were housebound. For someone with pleural

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Can Regular Exercise Really Help You Live Longer?

Regular exercise is really good for a longer, healthier life, for a number of compelling reasons. For one thing, when you move your body, no matter if it is about walking, jogging, or dancing, truly amazing things happen inside. First of all, exercise is tremendously good for your heart, making it stronger, helping it pump

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New Innovations in Healthcare That Are Rapidly Modernizing Medicine

In the world of healthcare, exciting innovations are quickly transforming the way we approach medicine. With the help of technologies, doctors can diagnose diseases faster and with pinpoint accuracy. And thanks to artificial intelligence (AI), this is becoming a reality. There are some smart algorithms that analyze vast amounts of medical data, helping doctors make

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The Education and Experience Needed to Become an Interventional Radiologist

In case you are interested, becoming an interventional radiologist requires some specific education and experience. First of all, you should start by going to college and getting your bachelor’s degree. In this respect, the recommended majors include pre-medicine or biology. After getting your bachelor’s degree, you should go to medical school, which takes about four

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